The BDD scenarios can be linked to the user story, updated or new scenarios added from within the user story.
Display TestSpell plugin on Issue View
Step 1: When the plugin is first enabled you may need to switch on the AssertThat functionality on the Issue view, by clicking on the page
Link existing scenarios to a user story
Existing scenarios can be linked/unlinked to User Stories on the Issue View and Feature Detail page as detailed below.
Step 1: Open the user story and click on Select Scenario
Step 2: Start typing part of the feature name to display a list of features to select from. Then click on the feature name.
Step 3: From the first drop-down select the Feature then from the second drop-down select the Scenario to be linked to the User Story.
Step 4: When you have selected the scenario from the list of scenarios in the feature then select Save. The scenario will be linked to the user story.