Linking/Unlinking user stories and scenarios

Linking/Unlinking user stories and scenarios

One of the primary features of TestSpell - BDD & Cucumber for Jira is that the BDD scenarios and user stories are available in one place.  The Acceptance Test scenarios are presented alongside the user story in the BDD format that makes it easy for three amigos (the product owner, development, and test teams) to easily collaborate and develop the user story.

The BDD scenarios can be linked to the user story, updated or new scenarios added from within the user story.


Display TestSpell plugin on Issue View

Step 1: When the plugin is first enabled you may need to switch on the AssertThat functionality on the Issue view, by clicking on the page


Link existing scenarios to a user story

Existing scenarios can be linked/unlinked to User Stories on the Issue View and Feature Detail page as detailed below.

Step 1: Open the user story and click on Select Scenario

Step 2: Start typing part of the feature name to display a list of features to select from. Then click on the feature name.


Step 3: From the first drop-down select the Feature then from the second drop-down select the Scenario to be linked to the User Story.

Step 4: When you have selected the scenario from the list of scenarios in the feature then select Save.  The scenario will be linked to the user story.



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