Traceability report
Traceability report
The Traceability report maps Jira Issues with BDD features and scenarios. The report offers the following predefined reports:
Unresolved issues
Issues in active sprints
All issues
If a custom report is needed then the 'Custom' option can be selected to use a custom JQL (Jira Query Language) to identify which issues to display in the Traceability report.
To execute the report simply enter the JQL search string and select search. The report maps all features and scenarios to the issues selected in the JQL. More details on constructing JQL can be found here.
Some commonly used JQL to search for issues are listed below:
# To select all Jira issues for Project "TestSpell" order by created DESC
project = "TestSpell" order by created DESC
# To select all Jira issues in the open sprints for Project "TestSpell" order by created DESC
project = "TestSpell" AND Sprint in (openSprints()) order by created DESC